· 与真人形象的AI老师随时随地交流,练习口语和听力;
· 面对多种场景,为雅思、托福备考和留学、移民做好充分准备;
· 体验各具特色的AI老师,让学习变得更生动有趣;
· 兼容多种语言(中、日、韩、西),满足您全球交流的需求。
· 告别社恐,建立自信,不再有和真人练习不会说的尴尬,AI语伴值得信赖
· 丰富多彩的话题练习场景,让你像打副本般欲罢不能
Say goodbye to social anxiety and build your confidence. Practice your spoken English with ease and fun – TalkMe.
TalkMe is a revolutionary language learning product that is especially suitable for people who need to practice their speaking and listening skills in a foreign language. Whether you are preparing for the IELTS, TOEFL, or planning to study abroad or immigrate, TalkMe can help you achieve your goals.
TalkMe’s AI teachers appear as real human images, each with a unique voice and personality. This not only makes your learning process more lively and interesting but also helps you develop your ability to communicate with people of different accents and speaking styles.
Advantages of TalkMe:
·Communicate with AI teachers in real human images anytime, anywhere to practice your spoken English and listening skills.
·Face various scenarios and fully prepare for the IELTS, TOEFL, study abroad, and immigration.
·Experience AI teachers with different features and make learning more dynamic and interesting.
·Compatible with multiple languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish) to meet your global communication needs.
·Say goodbye to social anxiety and build your confidence. With AI language partners, you no longer have to feel embarrassed about not being able to speak to real people.
·Rich and colorful topic practice scenarios make you unstoppable like a game.
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