Hostwinds 是一家成立于 2010 年的美国主机提供商,总部位于西雅图。该公司的主要产品包括虚拟主机、VPS 和独立服务器。
Hostwinds 的虚拟主机提供独享 IP,VPS 实际上是 cloud hosting,具有高在线率(SLA 为 99.9999%)的特点,适合建站。VPS 按小时计费,用户可以根据需要灵活使用。
Hostwinds 在美国的西雅图和达拉斯以及荷兰的阿姆斯特丹设有数据中心。支持支付宝和比特币等支付方式,方便用户付款。Hostwinds 提供及时响应的客户服务,用户可以通过邮件或在线聊天与客服人员沟通。
在选择 Hostwinds 或任何其他主机提供商时,建议你根据自己的需求和预算进行综合考虑,并仔细阅读用户评价和服务条款。同时,确保你了解并遵守相关的法律法规,以合法合规地使用互联网服务。
Hostwinds was made for you. Seriously.
We do everything possible to make sure we do right by you, our client, no matter what. We deploy, develop, and build the best possible solutions for your needs. Hostwinds has no middlemen. We own our work and our promises.
In 2010, our CEO Peter, founded Hostwinds.
Coming from a background in development, Peter was consistently finding messy experiences with hosting companies.
Hosting Providers had no idea what they were doing. Support techs were forced to move through a factory-style system, going through prepared lists of questions that could possibly provide answers while not solving the problem.
Large corporations pay millions to get priority customer support and tailored experiences. The average small businesses and small-scale clients are left with cold assembly line-type interaction styles. In addition, now that large conglomerates have taken over most hosting platforms, their priority is making more profit.
What if there was a hosting company that actually cared about its clients? What if regular users could afford that level of commitment? Welcome to Hostwinds.
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